Nov 12, 2020
Faith In Action serves nearly 100 people now on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month – giving a total of six days food. Faith In Action now has 501(c) 3 status now and can give receipts for cash donations. Mailing Address: Faith in Action P.O. Box 161...
Dec 22, 2016
Business Meetings – 1st Monday of each month at the Cecilton Elementary School. Dinner Meetings – 2nd & 4th Wed. at the Granary Restaurant. P.O. Box 404, Cecilton, MD 21913 Keep up with us on Facebook: Founded...
Dec 22, 2016
Everyone welcome!!!! We gather together every Tuesday at 10:30 am at St. Stephen’s Church in Earleville to share our life and family experiences, knowledge, lunch and friendship. We offer opportunities to travel and attend group outings. Seniors is canceled if...
Dec 22, 2016
The Upper Bay Ruritan Club was chartered back in 1979 with nine members. Currently, the club has nineteen active members. The local club is part of a National Non-Profit Organization, Ruritan National, that was started in Holland, Virginia back in 1928. So far, there...