Girl Scouts of the Chesapeake Bay

Girl Scouts of the Chesapeake Bay

Picture this: a safe, no-limits place where she can try new things, take on challenges, build community, and inspire others! That’s Girl Scouts. A place where “Can I?” quickly turns into “I will!” Where your G.I.R.L. (Go-getter, Innovator, Risk-taker, Leader)™ can...
Bo Manor Junior Football & Cheerleading

Bo Manor Junior Football & Cheerleading

Phone: (443) 309-3475 Facebook: Website: You can find our game schedule on our eTeamz website!
Cecilton Elementary School

Cecilton Elementary School

Home of the “TIGERS” 251 West Main Street, Cecilton, MD 21913 Phone: 410-275-1000 Fax: 410-275-1271 Facebook: School Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 8:45 am – 3:35 pm...
Chesapeake City Little League

Chesapeake City Little League

Near Luff & Basil Ave Chesapeake City, MD 21915 (410) 885-5150 Chesapeake City Little League is a branch of Little League baseball. Our mission is to bring the community together, through Little League Sports. Website:...
Cub Pack & Scout Troup

Cub Pack & Scout Troup

Cub Pack 336 and Scout Troop 336 We meet at the Chesapeake City VFW. Cubs meet every other Sunday at 4, and the Troop meets Thursdays at 7. Contact person is Randy Ferrell 610-972-7433. FACEBOOK: NATIONAL...