
The Town of Cecilton, MD is requesting a technical and cost proposal from your firm to prepare a Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) to evaluate the feasibility to upgrade the wastewater plant to Enhanced Nutrient Removal (ENR) and to evaluate the most cost-effective solution.

Background Information:

Cecilton owns and operates a 0.100 MGD WWTP (design flow). The WWTP is a Nutrient Removal plant employing the Aqua Aerobics Sequencing Batch Reactor process.

The WWTP discharges to Black Duck Creek and flows to Little Bohemia Creek designated as
Use – I Waters and a tributary of the Chesapeake Bay. The plant’s current National Pollution Discharge Permit (NPDES) permit requires a total nitrogen goal of 15.0 mg/l as a monthly average and 4.0 mg/l for total phosphorous as a monthly average. In order to be eligible for Bay Restoration grant funding from the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) for enhanced nutrient removal (ENR), the WWTP must achieve the design criteria of 3.0 mg/l Total Nitrogen (TN) and 0.3 mg/l Total Phosphorous (TP).

The objective of this project is to determine the feasibility of ENR upgrade alternatives as follows:

1. Evaluate at least there ENR alternatives, including a no action alternative, and recommend the most cost-effective solution.
2. The engineer shall examine at least three years of actual flow records and influent and effluent data and make arrangement for additional testing and/or data collection if the existing information is inadequate.
3. The engineer shall solicit input and cooperate with Town personnel and MDE staff during the study to produce the optimum recommendation.
4. Lagoon Decommissioning alternatives

Preparation of Proposals:

Interested firms must include the following documents which must be enclosed in a separate envelope marked “Technical Proposal”. Failure to provide the required documents may render the proposal non-responsive and the proposal may be rejected. Special care should be taken to ensure all technical qualification materials are in the envelope.

The technical proposal shall include:

1. Introduction (provide in letter of interest)
Name, address, phone, fax, and e-mail
Location of the office this contract will be administered
Name of Principal in charge (one Page)

2. Capacity to perform, i.e., adequacy of personnel available, financial responsibility, and credit worthiness. (max. three pages)

3. Detailed description of project approach (maximum four pages)

4. Demonstrate how you propose to furnish services to prepare a PER in accordance with “USDA’s Interagency Memorandum”, “Supplemental Information for Implementing Section 602(b)(13)”, and “Minimum Funding Participation Requirements for PER” to complete the MDE check list. (attachment A, B, C) (maximum four pages) This includes:

Project Planning
Evaluation of Existing Facilities
Establish Need for the Project
Develop and Evaluate Alternatives
Select an Alternative Based on Life-Cycle Costs and Non-monetary Factors
Development of the Proposed Recommended Project
Develop a Plan for the Fiscal Sustainability for the Project (Max. four pages)

5. Proposed timeline to complete the project (One Page)

6. List of proposed sub-contractors to be used for this project (One page)

7. Sequence of work schedule to be allotted in the proposed project timeline (one page)

8. Proposer must follow the guidelines for MDE State Grant Insert M/WBE compliance with Requirements and Contract Provisions for the Project Financed by the State Grants Through Maryland Department of the Environment (attachment D) (Max. three pages)

Cost Proposal:

Your firm’s cost proposal is to be submitted in a separate envelope marked “Cost Proposal” and submitted separately from the “Technical Proposal” envelope.

Items that must be detailed and included as part of your Cost Proposal are:

1. An estimated price (upset limit) for the proposal based on a cost-plus fixed fee structure,
including a breakdown of costs with labor rates, overhead rates, profit, and expenses.
2. Include the cost of data collection and testing, including influent sampling, as needed
3. A list of any specific exclusions (if any) to this price
4. A cost schedule to be used for any additional services not included in the original scope

Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference and Tour of Facilities:

A mandatory pre-bid conference and tour of the wastewater treatment plant will be held on
April 1, 2022 at 9:00 am. During the tour interested firms will have an opportunity to ask questions.

Timeline/Schedule Dates:

• Pre-Bid Conference: April 21, 2022 at 9:00 am
• Proposal questions due: May 6 , 2022 close of business 5:00 pm
• Proposals due: May 27, 2022 at 2:00 pm
• Proposed targeted award date: June 17, 2022

Submission of Proposals:

Proposal Submittal Date and Location – Firms shall submit one (1) original and five (5) copies of the Technical Proposal and one (1) original of the Cost Proposal by 2:00 PM on June 17, 2022 to:

Town of Cecilton (Town Hall)
117 West Main Street
Cecilton, Maryland 21913
(410) 275-2692
Note: The above address is not a USPS mailing address

USPS Mailing address is:

Town of Cecilton
P.O. Box 317
Cecilton, Maryland 21913

Mark each envelope clearly and with your company name.

Facsimile responses to this Request for Proposal are not acceptable. No response hand delivered, or otherwise, will be accepted after the above date and time. Submittals arriving after the deadline will be rejected regardless of the reason for late arrival.

By submitting a Proposal, the Offeror acknowledges that you have thoroughly read and understand the Request for Proposal (RFP) and you agree to all terms and conditions set forth
In this RFP.

The Town of Cecilton reserves the right, without qualifications, to select any submittal, reject any or all submittals, and to apply its judgement with respect to any submittal.
By submitting a proposal, the Offeror acknowledges that the proposal shall be valid for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of the bid opening.

Continuation Clause:

If the project moves to the design phase, the Town reserves the option to negotiate and award additional phases to the engineering firm, without re-advertisement, provided the firm agrees to continue. This decision will be made at the sole discretion of the Town.

Scoring and Selection Criteria:

Submittals will be reviewed and scored by the Town’s proposal review committee. Scoring will be based on the completeness of the proposer’s response to the technical proposal and their response to the cost proposal as follows.

1. Responsiveness of the proposal
2. Experience and expertise of firm
3. Composition of project team
4. Results of reference checks
5. Quality of technical approach
6. Cost

Contact Information:

Questions regarding submissions, procedures or of a technical nature shall be submitted via e-mail to :

George H. Smith, Superintendent at
(443) 252-1410 (cellular)

Mary E. Cooper, Town Manager at
(410) 275-2692

Response to all questions will be transmitted via e-mail to all firms in attendance of the pre-bid conference.