We’re celebrating Stephanie Stone and it sure was so much fun watching this lady in action at Cecilton Auto Repair.

Stephanie was asked what she did exactly and she responded “everything.”

Cecilton Auto Repair is a family owned and operated automotive maintenance and repair shop located on Center Street, Cecilton.
Darryl Wolter started the business in 1997 at its original location on the corner of Rt. 213 and Rt. 282. The old Texaco she says. He moved the business to Center Street in 2004. She joined the business in 2007.

“Since then I’ve been responsible for office management, answering the phone, providing customer service, account management, payables and receivables, cashier, banking, appointment scheduler, service writer, keeping everyone straight and at one time, the Maryland State Inspector, just to name a few.”

“It’s hard to believe I was a stay at home Mom, not looking for a career and now, I’m here.” “ I love our customers.” “They’re like family.”
I know that to be true as I had the opportunity to see her interact with a few of them.

Her best advice “Be a nice human.” Couldn’t agree more.

Cecilton Auto Repair 410-275-2700 Help The Economy – Buy Local

Cecilton ~ “The Way Life Should Be”

Blonde haired lady with glasses smiling sitting in front of desk with menu behind her